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EFX Clarinet
Wind Instruments + Guitar Pedals
⋅Educational Outreach
⋅Interactive Demonstrations
⋅Live Performances
⋅Master Classes
Explore the enhanced sound capabilities of wind instruments with addition of live pedal effects!

Christopher Mothersole
A classically-trained specialist on using guitar effects pedals in clarinet performance (aka EFX Clarinet), Christopher has given presentations on electroacoustic performance & composition to audiences worldwide. Together with duo partner Tim Fitzgerald (Professor of Clarinet, University of North Georgia), Christopher recently presented at the International Clarinet Association's ClarinetFest with the goal of empowering performers with the knowledge and tools to get started with using effects pedals. Their duo CLX is an homage to rock 'n roll, drawing inspiration from groups including Aerosmith, Muse, and Daft Punk.
Since 2019 he has written, premiered, and commissioned numerous works for EFX Clarinet, sharing with audiences of all ages the instrument's enhanced sound capabilities with the addition of live effects. His most recent composition, DEMO for Solo EFX Clarinet, utilizes a full pedalboard of effects to create an 8-bit adventure fantasy reminiscent of video game soundtracks of the 80s & 90s. In 2021 he commissioned & premiered a new work by Jenni Brandon, Cacophony for Clarinet & Delay Pedal.
A native of Austin, Texas, Christopher serves as the Instructor of Clarinet at the University of West Georgia.
Performance Samples
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